Chen Shawn's Blogs

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Week Summaries


Assessing Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Systematic empirical evaluation shows that vanilla deep RL algorithms generalize better than specialized deep RL algorithms designed specifically for generalization. In other words, simply training on varied environments is so far the most effective strategy for generalization.


Quantifying Generalization in Reinforcement Learning

OpenAI的文章,新release出一个叫做CoinRun的benchmark,与之前的环境最大的区别在于,这个游戏的环境是实时生成的,i.e. agent不会两次遇到相同的环境。因此该环境要求agent不能通过死记硬背学习策略,对DRL的generalization ability提出更高的挑战


此外IMPALA的CNN结构的泛化性能远强于其他的CNN结构(可能说明state的abstract embedding重要性)


  • Dropout and L2 regularization: Both noticeably reduce the generalization gap, though L2 regularization has a bigger impact.
  • Data augmentation (modified Cutout) and batch normalization: Both data augmentation and batch normalization significantly improve generalization.
  • Environmental stochasticity: Training with stochasticity improves generalization to a greater extent than any of the previously mentioned techniques (see the paper for details).